Send my kid to a boarding school in London: 10 tips for parents

British education is rightly considered one of the best. Oxford and Cambridge serve as symbols of adherence to tradition, and many successful scientists, businessmen and politicians serve as affirmations of high standards. It is not surprising that many people considering studying abroad choose the UK. For children, it is an opportunity not only to improve their knowledge - an extremely important condition for a successful career in modern time - but also to obtain a diploma that is recognized in most countries of the world. For elementary school children, a secondary education in the UK is an opportunity to gain entry to a good university in the UK itself and in other countries. Has your child graduated from high school and you want to send him/her abroad for higher education? An English university degree will help you build a career anywhere in the world.

The best age to study in London

Some schools are ready to accept your 3-5 years old child. Of course, this is superfluous. Starting so early, the damage may not only be good - knowledge does not compensate for the stress of breaking up with your family. Often, if the task is to teach English language to children from 0 to 6 years old, then far-sighted parents write professional nannies, tutors, governesses from the UK, dealing with children on the home territory. The task of such specialists is not only to take care of the baby, but also to create an English-speaking environment around the child, which inevitably leads to the fact that the child begins to speak that language, as well as his native language. This education is carried out under the control of the parents and does not require separation from the child. This is the most effective way of learning because. Unlike older children, young children are linguistic geniuses who can learn a foreign language effortlessly and quickly. The best age at which a child should be sent to study in the UK is considered to be 11-13 years old - the age at which they start studying in secondary school. In addition, early adolescence is the best time to adapt and integrate into another country. It is the end of childhood, when a child finally realizes that he or she is a person separated from his or her parents and that contact with them is no longer the main purpose of life. In fact, self-motivation is created and strengthened at this age when the child is first interested in character, interests, hobbies, and friends. Setting goals for a son or daughter of this particular age to receive a quality education in another country means motivating the teenager to achieve something significant and setting the right guidelines for him during these difficult years of life. In any case, these are only general recommendations, which in each case should be based on the personality of the particular child. If a boy who has been socially active from an early age, for example, participates seriously in sports, in camps and competitions, it is obvious that such a student will have no problems adapting. There is a completely different situation - for example, a sick or shy girl who is homeschooled and more dependent on her parents and family. There is always a way out - for example, a summer program offering two weeks of education. In addition, the child can gradually adapt by attending several monthly examination sessions during the first year. Instead of living in a boarding house, staying with a family may be an option for you. Of course, you need to try - the first trial run can already show that fear is unfounded.

Secondary Education in the UK

Education starts at the age of five and lasts for another thirteen years. The last two years are needed to prepare for university entrance. The A-Levels program is the final stage of high school. The final exam results of the program play an important role in university admissions. For many students, the International Baccalaureate program is more convenient. In this case, the preparation for university entry also lasts two years, but the range of subjects studied is much wider. However, not all English-speaking schools offer IB programs. Knowledge of English (you will need to pass an interview at entry) and a good GPA are required. upon completion of the program, applicants will be able to enter university on the same footing as their UK peers. Depending on the type of funding, UK schools are divided into public and private, when the child attends school - divided into day schools and boarding schools. UK boarding schools are a great option to take care of your child's living and ensure his safety. In such schools there is a strong focus on discipline, extracurricular activities and the overall development of the child.

What to look for when choosing a high school?

  • So, you have decided what you want from your future school in London. How do you know if a particular school is right for you?

  • Research the ratings of schools in recent years.

  • Check the test scores on the school's website. This data will help to understand which subjects graduates choose more often, where they go, and how academically proficient and competitive they are.

  • Take a study visit to the school, talk to the principal, students and their parents, and take a walk around the campus. Not only you, but also your child should enjoy it because he is the one who comes here to study.

As you can see, there is no rush to choose a school abroad. You have to find and research a lot of new information and spend time. Therefore, you should get a list of 3-5 schools that your child will enter. To shorten this path, recommend you to seek the help of a study abroad specialist: he has an objective knowledge of the school and can help you not only to make a choice, but also to prepare the exams and collect documents.

Secondary schools in the London: the admissions phase

To enter a private school in the UK, you need to pass an entrance exam, which usually includes an interview. On it, in addition to academic questions, the child is asked about life: what he likes, what he enjoys, how he spends his free time and what he dreams of doing. The interview is often conducted with the parents - the representatives of the school need to know what environment a new student comes from and what values his family has. For parents, such a conversation is another opportunity to assess whether the school is a good fit for their child, so they are only welcome to ask questions. Schools have different requirements, and competition at the top institutions is high - reaching 20-25 students per place. Students who want to attend a boarding school need to reserve a place in advance: a certain number of places are allocated to foreigners, while maintaining a balance between different nationalities. If you want to be on time and ready for your exams at all times, you should contact a study abroad agency for help.

How much does it cost to go to school in London?

Secondary education for foreigners in the UK is not a budget item. The average cost of studying at a private school is £17,000 per year, but these are only indicative figures. The amount can be up to £30,000. You will need to add health insurance costs, return flights, accommodation costs. When applying for a student visa, you must demonstrate your financial stability, prepare a letter of sponsorship and show the status of your account.

The high cost of education does not mean that private schools in London are primarily institutions for the wealthy, and if you are not one of these people, then you can forget about a British education.

Nevertheless, the reputation of the schools still depends on the students who pass the exams and succeed in university. Such children - capable, purposeful and creative - can grow up in any family. Therefore, schools interested in talented children are ready to provide them with financial assistance in the form of tuition discounts and scholarships: academic, sports, music or fine arts. Of course, it's not enough to play sports or draw beautifully to qualify for such a scholarship. The child must have serious achievements, a good portfolio, and he must present himself while watching or listening. It is expected that after entering education the child will continue to develop and demonstrate his talents - he will play for the school team, participate in competitions, etc. Usually, scholarship applications are submitted and considered separately.

10 questions parents should ask themselves when sending their child to study in London

1. Does the school meet the basic requirements for you and your child?

 Age range, gender, daytime/boarding, religious denomination, type of skills, courses offered

 Mix of daytime and residential education

2. Will your child be happy there?

 Spirituality, style, academic or broad, teaching style, special interests 3. Is he doing well academically?

 Exam success, high or low pressure environment, where graduates go, quality of teaching

4. Are you satisfied with the accommodation options?

 Dormitory, room, facilities, meals, supervision 5. Do you like the spirit of the school?

 Permanently set by the head

6. What are the conditions of pastoral care and supervision?

 Care from the head, medical care, discipline, extracurricular interests and supervision

7. Does the school have everything your child needs?

 Swimming pool, theater, music, etc.

8. does it have extra activities that your child can use?

 Scope of work, cost

9. Is the location best for you?

 How important is size?

10. does it provide value for what you want?

 Cost of services provided, fits your budget, additional services

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